Whether called Mummy, Mum, Mama, Grannie, or Nan, all Mothers deserve to be celebrated 🙌
In the lead up to Mothers Day this year, we thought we'd celebrate all things Mum with a special series of interviews! We've teamed with with 5 Mums who are all at different stages of their motherhood journey, all with different stories to share.
In today's blog, we take a moment to chat with Taylah, mumma of beautiful baby Enari! Taylah talks about the impact of COVID restrictions separating her and the father of her baby, cherishing the little moments, and giving her baby boy the best life, with or without a partner...

Hi there Taylah, thank you so much for being part of The Motherhood Series! Let's kick things off with our quick 5....
Tea or coffee? Look I'm a bitza with this.. I don't mind a bit of black tea but also love indulging into a nice Caramel Latte!
Flats or heels? Heels! I'm a shorty, so wherever I can snatch up some extra height - I won't say no.Â
Plan everything or go with the flow:Â Planner.. Spontaneous things make me stress.
When I was growing up I wanted to be:Â l aways wanted to be a chef in the Navy.Â
Describe your ideal Sunday, including breakfast:Â A nice 9am wake up.. I'm a sucker for smashed avo, cherry tomatoes and feta on toasted crusty bread for breakfast with coffee and then a hot chocolate or tea, shower, grocery shopping then laze at home.Â
Now we know a little about you… tell us a bit about your motherhood journey, and the little person you’re mama to:
Good ol' COVID! March 2020, I flew over to Fiji to see my loverboy - stayed a few extra weeks thanks to border closures. Lucky enough, we got to spend our anniversary together and we all know what happens on anniversaries right? When I returned home to Aus, got into my hotel quarantine, a few days in and took a pregnancy test - one big, fat positive.
So alone, in my small hotel room, I called Fiji to tell him the exciting news. My partner and I had planned this - we were so madly in love and wanted to start our lives together. Both of us were OVER THE MOON, we had talked about this for so long, but with COVID, we weren't too sure whether he would be able to get to Aus for the journey and especially the birth of our little bub. After the stress of being pregnant, not knowing if bub's father would get here - we split up.
12 days passed my due date, I gave birth to the most beautiful little baby boy I had ever laid my eyes on with the encouragement of my amazing mum by my side the whole time. Enari was placed on my chest, big dark eyes, a head full of thick, dark hair and tiny little hands after an incredible few hours of labour. 11 weeks on and he fills our day with the most gorgeous smiles and makes me so proud.
Whats your favourite thing about being a mum?
Waking up in the morning and hearing him start to wake, looking over at his gorgeous brown eyes and amazing long eyelashes and saying 'Goodmorning Baby' and he gives me THE biggest smile and giggle. I just look at him and think how amazing it is that I, myself, Taylah, made this freaking adorable human!

What has been your greatest challenge in motherhood so far, and how have you overcome it?
I never, ever in my life ever wanted to be a single mum. The thought scared me so much when I was in the first few months of pregnancy. When my partner and I split up, all I could think about is the future of my little man. I had many nights crying to myself thinking 'what if' and I will admit, I still do cry. I have learn't to overcome this by thinking positive, I am giving this little boy the best life, partner or not.
You are such an incredible solo parent! Have you learnt any key lessons during this journey, and do you have any advice for other solo mama's out there?
It is ok to cry! One big lesson I have learnt - it is ok.. Nothing prepares you for motherhood, nor single motherhood. Taking time out to go to the supermarket alone, or to go for a drive to have some peace is allowed. I felt so guilty in the beginning, but my family are so supportive and love spending time with Enari which made me feel better about it.
What do you appreciate now more than ever of what your mum did for you when you were growing up?
Oh my gosh! Labour. 10 pound baby right here! 8 pound was hard enough. The feeding, the nappy changes, pretty much everything about having a baby makes you appreciate your mum 1000% more. My mum is literally my everything.

What advice would you give would-be/soon-to-be mothers?
Definitely take some antenatal classes - they really help. And ask as many questions as you possibly can. Midwives are just the bomb. Know that everyone is the same but very different when it comes to having a baby. So don't let others stories scare you, and what happens in movies doesn't necessarily happen! My biggest piece of advice.. If you are lucky to fall pregnant, remember you have been gifted with something that not every woman will be able to experience. Cherish it, enjoy it, embrace it and love it. It is literally the best thing ever.
What would be your ideal way to spent Mothers Day this year?
A bit of a sleep in with some cuddles and kisses from my little man and because I'm such a planner.. we plan to have a lovely family picnic lunch in the sun enjoying each other's company, making memories.

Sending a BIG Thank You to Taylah for taking the time to share her story with us! We hope you enjoyed the read, and stay tuned for the next interview in The Motherhood Series coming soon.
1 comment
I have known this beautiful girl for a few years. She is the caring beautiful human you could meet. Tay’s family are beautiful too, I have nothing but admiration for her. ❤️🌹